Want voluminous, bouncy locks?
Hair contains melanin, lipids, and proteins. As we age, the body’s production of these things slows which leads to changes in your hair. With less ...
Read moreAs we get older, the aches and pains that we typically deal with become more and more prevalent. This pain in our joints and muscles is usually fro...
Read moreThe most common type of acne, acne vulgaris, can show up anywhere on your face, back, chest, neck, and shoulders. The hair follicles, or pores, tha...
Read moreWhile our body is equipped with DNA repair enzymes, they also start to deplete as we age. Once we reach age 30, they’re lost at a faster rate. DNA ...
Read moreWith years of experience in treating skin conditions, I can validate that nearly 50% of my clients suffer from sensitive skin concerns. It was impo...
Read moreHyperpigmentation is caused by an overproduction of melanin – the pigment that gives our skin, hair and eyes its natural colour – in patches of the...
Read moreHow do you know if your ECS is out of balance?? You may feel tired, achy, and forgetful. In fact, researchers have found a direct clinical correla...
Read moreYour ECS might be out of balance if...  Struggle with insomnia to the point of taking medication Anxiety Anger management issues Depression Con...
Read moreDifficulty sleeping is commonplace, and its effects extend beyond your mood upon waking. This first of it’s kind HIGH CBN and healing terpene toni...
Read moreThrough the eyes of functional medicine optics, an impaired skin barrier, digestive health, diet, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and underlying...
Read moreSo it goes, “milk does the body good.” This dairy FREE cleanser captures the velvety feeling of cream on your skin as it washes away the day’s ma...
Read moreWith full awareness of tired skin cells and over-doing it, I address these issues by giving you a nutrient dense algae and sea water emulsion to n...
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