What’s actually causing your sensitive, devitalized, and aging skin?

With years of experience in treating skin conditions, I can validate that nearly 50% of my clients suffer from sensitive skin concerns. It was important to me that I address this concern at its root and on the cellular level.

A sensitive skin may be better classified as reactive skin, and it can have common triggers. 

  1. Immunogenic inflammation is when an exogenous substance like artificial fragrance or pollen enters the skin, this instantly puts the immune system on high alert. 
  1. Neurogenic Inflammation is caused by to many neuro-active chemicals being released into the dermis which over stimulates the nervous system leading to an agitating sensation.

Flare ups are common whether it’s in the form of acne, psoriasis, or eczema because hormones like cortisol tell the glands in your skin to make oil, suppress your immune system, and can cause an inflammatory response in the skin. 

__CBD aspect

Reactive skin responds well to CBD (cannabidiol), which is a plant-based (phytocannabinoid), natural remedy that works with our body's own system. CBD is shown to improve troubled skin. 

Imbalances or damaged receptors cause our skin to flare up. This underlying condition is caused by daily stress, the environment, or even our busy lifestyles. And can cause our skin to present with anything from psoriasis to oily skin. CBD interacts with these receptors on a molecular “lock & key” level to repair our endocannabinoid system and restore balance.

CBD has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-aging properties that treat a wide array of skin conditions. It’s one of the keys that unlocks a healthy, balanced endocannabinoid system.

Another component of this “lock & key” system is Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), which is a fatty acid that our bodies naturally produce. As we age, our skin loses GLA and it causes our skin to lose moisture.

Both CBD and GLA are fundamentally essential for optimal skin health. We bring the best of both worlds (and plants) together for a plump and hydrated glow with our skin booster made with one part GLA and one part CBD.

One Part GLA  

Our organically derived hemp synergizes with our rich GLA seed oil formula for maximum results.

The reason we wrinkle and develop dry, dull skin after menopause is because we can no longer make GLA from our food. Over time, our epidermis may lose as much as 50% of its thickness, which accelerates water loss.

When our skin can’t produce enough protective oils, we face a lowered immune system, increased inflammation, and specific immune responses that result in skin flare ups including eczema and psoriasis.

GLA is critical to repair the lipid barrier of our skin, so it can retain hydration for plumper, supple, and smooth skin.

One Part CBD

Our CBD oil affiniatizes with our endocannabinoid system and our potent GLA oils to help our skin grow new cells, discard old ones, and reduce inflammation.

CBD stimulates our body’s endocannabinoid system and reduces free radicals, which encourages our skin to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Harmful free radicals that bombard our skin come from UV and IR (infrared technology saturation). These accelerate ageing, cancer, and impair our skin’s ability to heal. By proactively filling our receptors with CBD, we get ahead of the game and protect our skin from long-term damage.

Here’s how our products (rich in our essential GLA oils and infused with 100mg of CBD) alleviate troubling skin conditions:  

CBD for Acne

Our body’s endogenous cannabinoids can induce apoptosis of human sebocytes (cells most commonly found in the skin) by telling their CB2 receptors to start the process of cell death. But our endocannabinoids are easily degraded, so their effects don’t last long. CBD also has powerful antibacterial properties.

CBD for Psoriasis

Keratinocyte is a type of skin cell that produces a protein called keratin, and this protein makes up the skin’s outer layer.  In psoriasis, there is rapid multiplication and growth of these keratinocytes, which accounts for the skin changes associated with this skin disease.  This is, of course, made worse by inflammation.

Now, CBD has the ability to stop the proliferation of keratinocytes. How it does this isn’t yet clear, but the PPAR receptors may seem to play a role since their activation has led to the inhibition of epithelial cell proliferation.

CBD for Basal Cell Carcinoma

It’s a known fact that CBD has shown the ability to control cancer cells and prevent them from growing, proliferating, and spreading. CBD can even prevent angiogenesis, and without its blood supply, cancer growths won’t develop, spread, and invade other tissues.



Evoq’s CBD Cellular Booster is a potent antioxidant proven to be stronger than vitamins C and E and omegas. It…

Encourages collagen and elastin renewal by encouraging the growth of new cells and discarding old ones for more radiant, youthful skin.

Helps protect and reverse damage from UV rays, smoke, and environmental pollutants. Pain relief known to be more powerful than THC.

It’s also...

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Helps control acneic skin.
  • Ease symptoms of psoriasis and eczema.
  • Antibacterial agent.
  • Slows the proliferation of skin tumor cells in-vitro and in-vivo.
  • Effective in the treatment of psoriasis by blocking keratinocyte proliferation.

 Current State of CBD = Know Thy Source! And Always Educate Thyself!

Our CBD comes from a state-of-the-art cGMP-certified laboratory, and every batch of CBD includes a Certificate of Analysis (COA). An independent scientific testing company tests each batch using high-tech liquid gas chromatography for verification of purity, CBD content, and other cannabinoid content.

Autumn’s Edit - this is good for skin with CBD and also great for hair with  the primrose for hair regrowth/oil.. 

Cell Regenerative
Topical CBD Oil 

Primrose +  Rosehip 
200 mg Nano CBD [1200 Bioequivalence]

Hydrate Regenerate Safeguard 

This multi-purpose blend restores balance to out-of-sync skin and scalp, bringing regenerative qualities to aging and devitalized areas. Through its synergistic blend of nano CBD (six times more bioavailable) and potent GLA oils (unable to be made by our skin), this powerhouse is shown to hydrate and prevent the appearance of premature aging,    and allow for deeper absorption of vitamins and nutrients for a healthy lip barrier, and safeguard against inflammation, hair thinning and blemishes.  

1.7 Fl oz/ 50ml


This phytoactive oil is a means to deal with external stresses, so our skin or scalp maintains its health from inner or outer stressful environments. It’s imperative to supplement topically for our skin’s foundational needs. GLA helps to maintain the stability and fluidity of the natural water loss barrier in our skin.

Hormonal Skin Support

After the age of 30, and specifically after menopause, the skin loses the ability to make GLA.GLA is a major component of beautiful skin. GLA makes your skin luminescent, dewy and glowing. The main reason our skin becomes dull and thick after menopause is due to the inability to make GLA. It’s essential that we take a daily dose of GLA to ensure beautiful skin. As we age GLA can reduce inflammation in the skin associated with wrinkled skin. Without sufficient GLA the skin becomes dry, rough and wrinkled.

Evening primrose is also hailed as a tool for minimizing hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. In individuals with chronic hair loss, unnatural accumulation of substances such as free radicals, DHT, and bacteria in the scalp region ignites an inflammatory response from the body. The symptoms of inflammation, such as itchiness and dryness, will damage the follicles and its respective strands. This will ultimately lead to chronic hair loss, which may become irreversible

The essential fatty acid in our CBD skin oil helps replenish the lipids called ceramides which bind, fortify, and rebuild our upper skin layers. It reduces the wrinkling of skin and encourages the plump and dewy glow we naturally lose with age.

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